FTCP1200-00 Programmable Bipolar Thermoelectric Temperature Controller

The FTCP1200-00 temperature controller is a programmable micro-controller-based device that can be incorporated into a thermoelectric assembly. Its on-board bipolar driver enables it to drive thermoelectric modules in both cooling and heating modes. Temperature monitoring and feedback can be used to control temperature to a high degree of accuracy. The controller can be used in high-power applications up to 40 V @ 30 A. Highly flexible, with a variety of digital and analog I/Os, the FTCP1200-00 can also be used to power fans, read temperatures, control relays, and set alarms. 

Features & Benefits

  • High Power H-Bridge Circuit
  • Sensor compatibility: Thermistor, RTD, semiconductor, and thermo- couple (if used with an amplifier)
  • Data interface: UART, I2C, ICSP, and USB
  • Integrated reset button
  • Programmable feedback looping
  • Driver Channels: 1
  • Digital I/O pins: 14 (3 used for H-Bridge control)
  • Analog I/O pins: 8
  • Available with screw terminals or solderable pads
  • User-programmable control modes
  • Custom software-programmable alarms
  • Ferrotec sample source code
  • Robust circuit design and component selection
  • Options:
    • Add-on RS-232 and RS-485 serial communication
    • Remote control
    • Low-cost OEM version

Model 202117: Controller with Screw Terminals

Model 202116: OEM Version with Through-Holes



High Power Bridge Circuit Input/Output Voltage: 7-40 VDC
Low-Power I/O Voltages Current: 30 A max. Input = 7-12 VDC; Output = 3.3, 5, or 7-12
Temperature Resolution VDC ±.0.1° C
Operating Temperature -25° C to +70° C (ambient)
Weight 41 g



Model 202117: Controller with Screw Terminals


Model 202116: OEM Version with Through-Holes


FTCP1200-00 Temperature Controller Datasheet

FTCP1200-00 Thermal Controller User Manual

Thermal Controller Inquiry Form

"*" indicates required fields

Section 1: Contact Information

* Indicates a required field

Please specify the peltier cooler or thermal solution that you are interested in, including part numbers and any special requirements. A brief description of your application is also helpful.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Model 202117: Controller with Screw Terminals

Model 202116: OEM Version with Through-Holes

Features & Benefits

  • High Power H-Bridge Circuit
  • Sensor compatibility: Thermistor, RTD, semiconductor, and thermo- couple (if used with an amplifier)
  • Data interface: UART, I2C, ICSP, and USB
  • Integrated reset button
  • Programmable feedback looping
  • Driver Channels: 1
  • Digital I/O pins: 14 (3 used for H-Bridge control)
  • Analog I/O pins: 8
  • Available with screw terminals or solderable pads
  • User-programmable control modes
  • Custom software-programmable alarms
  • Ferrotec sample source code
  • Robust circuit design and component selection
  • Options:
    • Add-on RS-232 and RS-485 serial communication
    • Remote control
    • Low-cost OEM version


High Power Bridge Circuit Input/Output Voltage: 7-40 VDC
Low-Power I/O Voltages Current: 30 A max. Input = 7-12 VDC; Output = 3.3, 5, or 7-12
Temperature Resolution VDC ±.0.1° C
Operating Temperature -25° C to +70° C (ambient)
Weight 41 g

Do You Need More Information?

Ferrotec offers a variety of temperature control products, including thermoelectrics and thermoelectric assemblies for precise temperature control, plus chillers and an ambient cooler for temperature control and bulk heat removal applications. To place an order, contact your local Ferrotec thermal solutions representative.